Winter league 2017, leg 2

Wx: cold, grey, some drizzle, slight tailwind down the Reach; slightly faster conditions than leg 1. For comparison, see leg 1. For full results, see RowClock.

Men A (9:28.5; video): Leg 1 was good but we could do better, especially with Conor back in and Kate ("like a female Steven"- anon) subbing in at seven while the hen-pecked Steven was forced to go to Paris to watch some egg-kicking. With the boat now stroke rigged (it's unnatural I tell you) and a month's coaching from Will under our belt, we're sharper and a little more professional. First Post flowed very well, the Gut/ Grassy / Plough was OK, we kicked well out of Ditton onto the Reach and pushed home from there. We pulled back the 6 seconds we'd lost to Press on leg 1 and are now exactly equal: all set for an exciting leg 3 (Press are Masters; that's raw time. We're leading IM3 by 13 seconds over City 2). 

As noted in the 2016 post, we got 9:28 in 2014. Twice.

Women IM3 (11:38.8): six seconds faster than leg 1, so they've crept up on their rivals:Tabs and Press were both slower than leg 1.

Men B (10:22): 40 seconds faster than leg 1, well done.

Women Nov (12:00.1): again faster than leg 1, and maintain their lead over rivals Hills Belles now out to 27 seconds.

Women 4x-: (13:14.5): "rowed more like a four than a quad" or some I'm told.

Keith (14:00.7): currently 4/9, or 4/7 of those who have done both legs.